Is Social Networking Worth It For Your Jewelry Business?
by Susan.
(Los Angeles, California, USA)
So, Ive been creating for many years and come upon many roadblocks.
This time around I am ignoring any roadblocks and moving forward. The computer blogs and webs and Facebook and twitters are driving me crazy.
It is a full time job. When is there any time to work on new pieces? Do you think it really is useful and creates business?
Social Media can be a big business boon
by: Lee
Working with business owners who are in a quandary about the benefits of social media I can offer this advice. Pick one or two avenues that work best for you and use them. Do not feel compelled to use what others term as the “in” avenue.
You may find that Facebook will work well for you. It will allow you to post pictures, comments and information on your pieces. It will also allow you to connect with people who know you and therefore they will easily be able to share your information with their people.
I would also offer that you have a basic plan, such as posting once a day and reviewing for comments. This will help you to allow your time to be structured and not wasted.
If you are not sure which networks to use, lurk around a little and see if you are comfortable with what is happening in the conversations.
I thought it was just me….
by: Cat
Finally! Someone else that feels like they were tethered to their computer and not the work bench! I’m with you, Susan…for years I have been trying to socialize, so to speak, with few results. Don’t get me wrong…I belong to a wonderful group on FB, but to just tweet and “update” constantly? No way. No more.
I believe the best income we all get is either from a lucky break (still waiting for mine!) or local shows. Online selling on ArtFire has been successful for me, and I love AF, but it’s still not enough to sustain us. The social sites have done nothing in the way of sales for me, as far as I am aware. No one has ever said, “Oh! I found you on Facebook”…
So, I say, sit out butts at the work bench, not the social sites!
Chatty Cat’s
Benefits of social media?
by: zoraida
I personally do not know if social networking is actually working for me. I do get more poeople to view my shop for sure. I do get lots of kudos from visitors, but so far, very little sales have come from it.
Perhaps I have not been involved in networking long enough to make this determination. Like most new endeavors, I believe it takes time to see results.
I have to agree with Lee in that participating in one or two social networks that you’re comfortable with is the way to go. Posting once a day is also enough.
I do make most of my sales at shows but that is seasonal, costly and time consuming. I’m not ready to give up the networking thing. It has connected me with so many great artists, but I do focus on very few sites to participate in,limit my time there, and discontinue with those that demand too much from me.
Hoping that success finds you.
Facebook works for me
by: Jen
I somewhat frequently post pics of new pieces on FB, and have sold about eight pieces directly from the posts. I also use FB to announce when I’m selling at a show. I create an “event” and invite all my FB friends. Even if they don’t buy anything, they’ll often come visit, which generates buzz at my booth – often they’ll visit to purchase a piece I’ve posted a pic of. A couple of times if had a few women fighting over the same piece!
by: Barbara
Hi Susan,
I have no experience with social media, but from what I’ve read it’s way too time consuming.
I really just wanted to tell you how pretty your necklace is.