I Met a Woman… And She Changed…
by Pamela DeWeese.
I met a woman – and this is how she changed what I do…
I left home in my routine search for discounted sale prices on my coveted items when quite unexpectedly I met a woman who unintentionally changed what I do.
I was searching for the best prices on standard chains and clasps when a lady approached me asking if I knew where she could find, or if I knew of, something that would make it easier for her to wear her jewelry.
We spent several minutes discussing her love of jewelry, her passion for fashion, and her relentless pursuit of a solution to overcoming a disability preventing her from expressing her inner self.
After carefully listening, I decided I could offer a solution and suggested she look at toggle or magnetic clasps for future purchases and we reviewed what she might buy today to convert her favorite possessions now.
I was taken by her reach and her clear understanding of what she needed to do to make what she wanted to happen – happen.
I never got her name although somehow I feel her presence each and every day I design.
Please know I have a special place in my heart for anyone who suffers a joint disabling condition.
Pamela DeWeese
QuiteNicelyMe at Etsy
by: Rena
Pamela, I love hearing how chance encounters change perspectives and even change lives.
Your openness and willingness to listen to this lady and offer knowledgeable suggestions must have made as much of a difference for her as her sharing did for you.
I also love the attitude of the lady you met. Instead of thinking “I can’t” – she approached her issues with “how can I make it happen?”.
Thank you for sharing this lovely, thought-provoking encounter!
Thank you for sharing
by: Lauren, 4 Daughters Creations
What a perfect example of the Butterfly effect!
Between a Nana with arthritis and friends who have long nails, I have become conscience of how I make my jewelry and also WHO I make it for.
Love the “Ah-ha” moments
by: Suz, Red Hawk Designs
I really enjoyed your story. It is so true that some of the simplest things can be next to impossible for some folks. Their love of jewelry should not be hampered by something as tiny as a closure, but yet it certainly can be.
When those moments bless us, they are truly gifts. I wish there were more of them.
Thank you for sharing.