Jewelry in Glass Case in a Clothing Store – How to Make More Sales?

by Alicia Toppin.

My jewelry display area is one of these two glass cases on either side of the cash register

My fully stocked glass case in the store – it’s only 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep, 10.5 inches tall

I’m using this rotating earring rack (shown mostly empty here)

I have my jewelry on display in a clothing store here in Malaysia (photo 1 above). The management is hiring sales girls to take care of my jewelry.

My glass display is only 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep, 10.5 inches tall (photo 2 above). Inside the glass display, I have necklaces there. On top of the glass, I have displayed anklets, bracelets, pendants.

My rotating earring rack fully stocked – but with the store’s huge price tags hanging down over everything

The display items on top of the glass are actually blocking off the lights from the ceiling. I have just added 2 yellow tone lights inside the glass display.

Someone told me to raise my mannequin inside the glass display. Shall I buy beveled glass mirrors to use as risers under this mannequin?

I have rented this glass display since April. I’m paying 300 dollars rental each month. So far I have been losing money. The average money that I have earned each month is around 50 to 60 dollars.

I have zero sales since 1 Sept till now.

I have a red table cloth, I bought black and red mannequin, I have installed 2 yellow toned lights. I have tried my best!

My brand name is call Jewelrina. Shall I put a sign on my glass display with the name of “Jewelrina” so that people can recognize me?

Do you think I need to make a few signs with the words of “necklaces”, “earrings”, “rings” to categorize my jewelry display?

I’m using the rotating earrings rack (shown mostly empty in photo 3 above).

Every pair of earrings has a price tag that is hanging down, making the earrings rack so messy (photo 4 above). Since the girl who is working there needs to scan the bar code when people are buying, I haven’t requested them to remove the price tags yet.

Do you think I should remove the tags? You can see the tags are all hanging down the rack!

When comes to jewelry showcases, do you recommend yellow or white light? People use white light for sterling silver and gold jewelry.

I am selling vintage jewelry and handmade gemstone jewelry from Peru. Do you think white is better or yellow? The lights on the ceiling are all yellow lights. So far I am using yellow lights inside my glass display.

The shop is selling clothes, and has only 2 glass display cases for jewelry seller. You can see them in photo 1 above – they are on either side of the cashier counter at the entrance.

When I was there, I can see that all the visitors are shopping for clothes, no one is stopping by to see my jewelry. The store is divided into 75 slots that are rented out by different clothes retailers to display and sell their clothes in the store.

The window display doesn’t have any jewelry on display, so I guess people do not know the store is selling jewelry too!

So I have requested the shop owner to let me also put a small table to display some jewelry in the store window. I have bought this rack to use as a window display:

My friend gave me a small chair that is only 2 feet tall. It is below eye level. Do you think it is too short?

Alicia Toppin


Jewelry in a Glass Case
by: Rena

Your display in the glass case looks very nice and professional, although perhaps slightly crowded because your space is small. I don’t think the way you’re displaying your jewelry is the reason for slow sales.

I think one of the major issues is how the glass cases are situated.

They’re very low – situated at most customers’ waist level – so unless shoppers bend or squat down, they’re probably not even going to notice there’s anything in those cases.

Also, when customers come to the cashier stand to pay for their clothes, the only place for them to put those clothes is right on top of the glass case – which totally blocks off the view of everything inside the case.

In addition, slow sales in a shop can also be due to:

1) The shop may not have many customers.

2) The shop’s customers may not be the people who are most likely to buy the style of jewelry you’re selling.

3) The people who work in the shop may not be actively promoting your jewelry and working with the customers. Instead, they may be just sitting around and waiting for people to come up to them and say “I’d like to buy this necklace” – which means hardly anyone will be buying (especially when so much of the jewelry is below eye level).

I think $300 a month is a very high rental fee for the size of your glass case (at least, it would be where I live). For that fee, the store should be really working hard to sell your jewelry for you.

For example, they should be sending out mailings to their customer list, putting beautiful photo ads in local publications to feature their various clothing and jewelry vendors, having special events, promoting the vendors, asking you to come in person to do a trunk show that they promote, sending out press releases about new stuff and events at the shop, etc.

If the store isn’t promoting and marketing constantly, then they aren’t likely to sell much of your work. However, it’s also possible that their main emphasis isn’t on making sales; they may be making enough money just by collecting the rental fees from their 75 clothing vendors and 2 jewelry vendors, that they’re not concerned with making sales.

If I were you, I would talk to the shop’s owner or manager (NOT the clerks or employees) about how they promote the shop and the individual vendors like you. What events have they scheduled? Where, specifically, are they advertising? What mailings are they sending out to their customers? What trunk shows have they held for their various vendors?

Then followup and check on everything they say they’re doing – look up the magazines or wherever they say they’re advertising, to make sure it’s true and that the ads would be helpful to you. Ask to be added to their customer mailing list so you can see the mailings that customers receive. Get the names of any people who have had trunk shows in the shop, so you can ask them how it went for them.

Also, I would spend at least half a day in the shop, just casually observing how things are run during an ordinary day there. What are the “salespeople” doing? Do they interact with customers – and if so, how? How many customers come in? How long do they stay? Do they buy anything? If so, what are they buying and in what price ranges?

To me, the bottom line is that it would be a good idea to really analyze what this shop is (or isn’t) doing to earn the $300 monthly fee you’re paying them – and then decide whether you should take your jewelry elsewhere.

However, getting the store to agree to having your jewelry on display in the shop’s front window is a positive step – and hopefully will help boost interest in the jewelry that’s for sale in the store!

Make the most of your front window opportunity by putting some of your best and most eye-catching jewelry on display there.

Regarding whether you should purchase more displays to improve your glass case:

I don’t think I would spend any more money on displays for your case, since you’re already losing so much money there each month – and I don’t think adding more display elements would increase your sales noticeably.

And I would go with white lights for jewelry instead of yellow. People need to see what the jewelry really looks like, and any color of lighting other than white (or natural) light changes how the jewelry looks.

Perhaps you could re-negotiate the rent?
by: Merry

I used to just pay rent for my vintage jewellery cabinet in an Antique Centre. However, I re-negogiated the arrangement and then paid part-rent and part-commission on sales. This created an incentive for the sales people to sell my items. This worked well and sales increased. A new store manager recently took over, and I have moved to a ‘commission only’ arrangement, and this is working even better, as stock moves well, and this is what customers are looking for – always something new and interesting to see.

Try Another Venue
by: Luann Udell

I don’t know if this way of selling jewelry in stores is common in Manilla, but here in the U.S., the set-up you described is often called a “craft mall” model. You pay the store owner for a space to exhibit your work. They’re supposed to sell it for you.

Trouble is, once the store owners/managers are paid their rent, they have absolutely no incentive to sell your work.

And to even “break even”, you would have to sell $600 worth of jewelry every month (to realize the same profit as consigning or wholesaling your work.) That’s a lot. I don’t know what your prices are, but how many pairs of earrings would you have to sell to hit $600?

The two best models for selling your jewelry in a store is by either consigning (the store pays you 50%-60% of the retail price after the item sells) or wholesaling (the store buys your work outright, usually at 50% of your retail price.) Both models have their strengths and weaknesses.

But either one is better than the “craft mall” model, where the only person guaranteed to come out ahead is the store owner. They don’t have to sell ANYTHING, and they still come out ahead.

And they always do, because as soon as one person realizes that’s not working and leaves, another new craftman is eager to take their place.

I hope you consider another way to market and sell your work. Good luck!

Getting your jewelry out in the open
by: KJ

Do you know any of the people selling the clothing? Maybe you could help each other out by using your jewelry to dress up an outfit or two to show how some accessories can add that special look for work and play.I agree with the other comments about “craft malls”.The only winner is the mall owner.I find it is better to sell out right to a shop because if something gets stolen/broken most likely the owner won’t pay you for the item.Get a standing mannequin,put some eye catching clothes on it then accessorize with your creations.Customers set bags,papers,etc. on the counters and cover the display.Get some out in the open.

Lighting and re as rental
by: Bonnie

I know you can go to Home Depot get a small strip of natural lighting that you can use to velcro to a display for very little money. Also you can purchase a display case in acrylic with a revolving base, a one time expense.I think Rena has offered so much information that may help you for making more sales and reducing your expenses, so take some time to review many of the ideas offered here. Best of luck in your future sales.

location, location, location
by: Carol Bradley

Your location next to the register is ideal. Looking at the register area photo and then your booth, I’m wondering something.

As Rena said, people would put the items they are purchasing on top of the case. Your case has so many items on top, shoppers may be avoiding it completely to find a more open area to put their merchandise. Sales clerks may be subconsciously steering them toward a more vacant table top.

If I were you, I’d try having only the earring stand on the table top. It can’t hurt to try.

Best wishes and I hope you find a more profitable environment.

get it seen!
by: Jen Lownie

My first suggestion, if there’s any way to do it, is to HAVE THE SALESCLERKS WEAR YOUR JEWELRY.

You need it to be seen – and worn. You need people to be able to see it, touch it, admire it. It’s hard for them to be tempted when it’s in the case below them.

Is there any way you can get the clerks to wear your jewelry? Offer the store manager an incentive that will work for both of you.

Also – if you are allowed to place any signage – perhaps you could have a Charity Giveaway. “For every pair of earrings purchased HERE, we are donating 10% to the Women’s And Orphaned Children Fund” in a nearby town.

Or, recruit models from the customers! During a friendly conversation with a customer (whether she is buying your jewelry or not) perhaps you could mention you are having a show or event (perhaps for the charity above) – and you need jewelry models for the show. Would they be interested in participating? You could say something about, this would be an unpaid event of course, but your participation could make the event so special!

Then find a mirror, lead the customer to it, and hold up a pair of your earrings next to her. Not trying to put them on her of course – just near her. She may take the bait 🙂

a lot of $$$$
by: Lisa

I’m quite concerned that this is a lot of money to pay each month for a small space. I have been offered a space in a “handmade” shop in town for $5 per week, plus 12% commission on sales. I can choose from many locations, these are open cubes, roughly 18 inchesx3.
I wasn’t sure if this was a good deal, but now think it may be, as my jewellery isn’t in any other shops, only online.
Have you tried Facebook, I’m finding it’s a great way to let a LOT of people see your designs, and comment.
I really hope it all comes together for you, keep us posted.

Good idea!

I’ve just got in touch with a local clothing boutique that sells vintage and ethical clothing and accessories, about displaying a few of my pieces in the shop. They’ve agreed to this and I’m hoping this will help market my work.

Jewelry in Clothing Store
by: Ross Nugroho

Dear Alicia,

(Thanks to Rena -and other friends- who have donate great ideas.It will help us a lot).

I also cannot imagine with the $300 rent each month.

How about if that amount,you use to promote your jewelry in fair shows events.I think Malaysia has art craft/jewelry fair shows periodically.
Or you promote your product in small (just words)advertisement in famous news paper in Malaysia.Or promote on store online.

I think the “cashier’ corner is not the right place for jewelry.(Its good for candy).
If customer had arrived the cashier counter,it means “I am finish with spending”.

I don’t know your price range of your jewelry. But your jewelry display (at the cashier)had ‘nude’ basic. How about to put a piece of velvet material that can attract people and enhance your jewelry appearance.

Especially if your jewelry have ‘price’ I think not to let the store sales girl wearing it. It’s about psychological matter. The customer will feel like a ‘sales girl’.

How about if you hire a part timer beautiful girl (with nice make up) beside your collection carrying your promoting kits/flyers to give it to costumers,on Saturday and Sunday.
This part timer (not store people) beautiful girl may wear your collection.

Instead of wearing by the store salesgirl, how about you put a standing picture dummy,showing a happy smiling face of a beautiful girl wearing your jewelry.(The dummy height as human height).
With your brand name on it.

Why are you dependable to the small chair of your friend if you can pay $ 300 for rent? Put a better and higher table that fit to customer eyes.

Ask to put your jewelry on the dresses they are selling.It would be a great match.It will attract more customer attention and to create customer imagination.

Putting your brand name is very important. Put it softly on your creation,on display, on table and on your ‘frame’, put your brand/label on it (and your phone,if possible)

Show it clearly to customers that you are really going to sell your collection.And not just to display them.

Finally, talk to the chief coordinator/ floor manager. Ask their advice and the recommended display designs.

If they are responsible and reliable, they must do something for you as their tenant.

If there’s meeting with the tenants, speak about it clearly.

Best Regards,
Ross Nugroho

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