Donna C Designs Craft Fair Booth

by Donna Farkas.
( – Long Island, NY)

Every year I try to redesign my craft fair booth. I found a fabulous recycled plastic area rug that I throw down for people to come in and walk on.

Home Goods has been very helpful for finding unique ways to display my items.

I also use cigar boxes to lift up some of my necklace displays.

Donna Farkas
Donna C. Designs Jewelry at Etsy


Good ideas!
by: Rena

Using cigar boxes in your display is a great idea – I love using display components that double as storage containers and transportation for the things I bring to a show!

Also, I love your inspiration of using the plastic area rug for your booth flooring – it would be especially wonderful to have when your booth is on wet or muddy ground.

The way you’ve grouped and elevated your displays makes your booth very inviting for shopping!

Thanks so much for sharing your lovely booth with us.

Great booth idea!!
by: Evangeline

Thank you for that lovely idea of the carpet in your display area. It gives your area a distinct designation and a feeling that the customer has entered into your “store” area.
Thanks for sharing.

Rug problem
by: Anonymous

While I like the look of the rug, I would be concerned that someone could trip on the rug and possibly fall into your stand.
There is a big risk with outdoor show and some show now require that you have insurance.

Craft Fair Booth
by: Briggitte

Great Ideas:). Thank you so much.

Carpet Camo
by: Anonymous

If you are using a solid color carpet, keeping it free of tracked in “flotsam” during a show is a real pain. Sprinkling gold or silver large-size glitter (I get mine at Walmart) over the carpet not only looks pretty but it successfully camouflages the ‘stuff’. It doesn’t take a lot to do it.

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