Visual Merchandising: Display by Colour

by Annette Piper.

My set up at shows varies dramatically depending on the space available and the traffic flow. But the one constant that I have followed is displaying my jewellery by colour, and specifically from light to dark.

A green corner - displaying jewellery by colour is an easy way of creating the look of a collection and will draw people in to their favourites.

A green corner – displaying jewellery by colour is an easy way of creating the look of a collection and will draw people in to their favourites.

I was told by a visual merchandiser some years ago that people will shop from 1) left to right 2) light to dark and 3) by colour preference.

The start of my tables ... with clear/whites to the left.

The start of my tables … with clear/whites to the left.

I have watched people since then, and if you place black in the middle of the table, they get confused and miss half the display. But with light to dark they will start at the light and work through your table to the dark, regardless if it is on one table or many.

Since then I have followed the principle clear/whites on the left and grey/black on the right and following a natural progression of the colours in between, leaving a little bit of blank space in between the colour groups as a visual break or rest.

The end of my tables ... with blacks /greys.

The end of my tables … with blacks /greys.

As an added bonus there is the added attraction of appearing to be by ‘collection’, adding an air of exclusivity.

Try it and see if it works for you 🙂

Annette Piper
Annette Piper

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