Venetian Classic Jewelry
by Patti Pojer.
(Somers, NY)

And so it begins, a pendant in progress
This project was just so exciting. For those who know me, I love working with glass,especially Murano Glass. How fortunate I was to find Janelle at Speciality Beads..she carries the Titanium Mesh I so longed to work with and design a Murano Pendant to hang on this mesh. Such a classic European look.

Two sides to every story..back of the focal bead
The focal bead is from my suppliers Machiavelli line..simply gorgeous, the colors amazing. I created a gold filled necklace bar to hang vertically.
To the focal bead I added bright gold filled spacers. I have yet to play with the mesh, as it can be shaped, reshaped, shaped again. This allows me to give my customers options and use their own creative flair.

Let there be Mesh!!
Each piece will come with simple fun directions for shaping the mesh and also a YouTube from my supplier …we really meet the nicest people in jewelry design, don’t you think?
Patti Pojer
Patti Promising Pieces
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