Polymer Clay Cremation Vessels

by Sylvia.
(Muskegon Michigan)

Polymer Clay Cremation Vessels by Sylvia  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

One of my daughter’s best friend’s daughter passed away unexpectedly at the age of 27.

They had her cremated, and my daughter wanted me to make something for her to put some ashes in that she could wear.

I had made a few vessels for other friends, but I had only made larger vessels 3″ to 4″ in length. She wanted a very small vessel as her friend was petite and did not want anything large.

I work with Polymer clay, so the vessel is made from a mixture of colors, blue and purple, with a small glass vial inside.

Polymer Clay Cremation Vessels by Sylvia  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

I made 2 vessels, one that has the vial exposed and the other enclosed completely. There is a cork on top that will be glued in place once the ashes are poured in the vessel.

My daughter picked the vial with a small flower on the side. These pictures are before all the layers of varnish were applied which made them glossy, making the colors stand out and looked beautiful. The small one is 1″ and the other is 1 1/2 ” in length.

Morbidly Fancy

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