Photographing Your Jewelry at Home

by Annette Revilla.
(Montebello, CA.)

Picture 1 – around 10AM. Strong light through a pretty blue cocktail glass to coordinate with the jewelry:

Photographing Your Jewelry at Home, by Annette Revilla - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Using shadows to highlight

I love photographing my creations at my kitchen table.

Picture 2 – color balanced bulb through weird lines of light the eye doesn’t see. Kinda liked the effect.


Optional light bulb at night

I’ve been a commercial & portrait photographer all my life and ended up with muscular dystrophy in 2010.

I now use a power wheel chair (the convertible! A girl’s got to have some fun).

Picture 3 – 1:00 in the afternoon. Strong sun bouncing off mirror on to salt lamp. The mirror lit up the glass and gold foil bead.

Photographing Your Jewelry at Home, by Annette Revilla - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Salt lamp and mirror

Different times a day gets different looks. I use a rotating mirror from Walmart & window light.

Picture 4 – same bulb and close up on cell phone to show gold vines I made on tree of life pendant 1 1/2 inches large.

Photographing Your Jewelry at Home, by Annette Revilla - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Close up for details

I sometimes use my cell phone or camera, depending what I can hold that day.

Annette Revilla
ReImagined by Annette/Facebook

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