Labradorite Love and Sketching Your Jewelry Designs
by Janine.
(841 Washington Street, Holliston, Ma)

Sketch and actual pendant
Drawing jewelry can be a daunting task.
I bough a tiny watercolor kit and designed pendants and earrings in a cute notebook I specifically purchased just for jewelry sketches.
I found that purchasing inexpensive supplies just for sketching future pieces really got me excited about it.

Labradorite feather pendant
You see, I like to skip that step and dive right in, making jewelry right away but there’s something about sketching and planning beforehand that brings up the level of quality for me.
I intend to sketch more this coming year.
I had this gorgeous labradorite stone hanging around from a gem show I went to last year.

Close up
I tried a few designs with it but nothing was working.
I then sketched it out using the shape to make more of a feather than a football shape, accenting the feather “notches” and using wire over the bezel in a swirl for extra sturdiness and flair.
Janine’s Jewelry Design