Poly Clay Masks
by Terri Wlaschin.
(Key West, FL)
If you have never shopped for a mask mold, you will surprised, when you do, to find just how many there are. And if you are like me, that is, currently into making masks, you will be giddily delighted and many dollars lighter after spending a day or two filling your shopping cart with all the variations.
Before making them, I studied masks on pinterest to get a feel for color scheme and design ideas. It’s funny how much you can learn just by looking at patterns of color design and what color is put where. And it’s so much fun to take it all in, sleep on it (fact check: lie-too excited to sleep), and then impart your own styling in all the little details. I don’t claim my work to be authentically oriented but rather faux authentic (lol).
I used acrylic paint to color and design each mask and impart a specific kind of character to each of them. I know this may sound silly to some, but perhaps not to jewelry artists, but after they were done, I brought all my newest creations into my bedroom with me so when I woke up in the morning, there they were, waiting to be adored and fussed over. Actually, I do this with almost everything I create even when I am not sure I will still love them in the morning. Am I the only one?
Terri Wlaschin
Shanty Chic Beads