Torch Fear to Torch Adoration – Fabricating Rings

by Diana White.
(United States)

Torch Fear to Torch Adoration - Fabricating Rings by Diana White  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

London Blue Topaz in Scalloped Bezel Setting

It has been quite some time since I posted here to JMJ, not because I haven’t been making, but because I’ve been so busy between working my full-time career and handling custom orders through my shop, that I’ve had less time than I’d like to make new designs.

A couple of years ago I took a basic soldering class at RioGrande, and this past year I took a ring fabrication class through an adult continuing education class at a community college in Wisconsin.

Torch Fear to Torch Adoration - Fabricating Rings by Diana White  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Sterling Teardrop Shaped Pinky or Toe Ring

Through both of those experiences, having superb instructors, I was able to get past my phobia of using torches more powerful than the simple hand held butane torches.

And, I’m thrilled with some of the results. I am also quite enjoying using rotary tools, Grobet and my portable Foredom to speed up some of the finishing tasks.

Torch Fear to Torch Adoration - Fabricating Rings by Diana White  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Reclaimed Gold from an old 14kt Single Earring Nugget Ring on Sterling Hand Fabricated Shank

If you, also, are having a bit of torch fear, then I highly recommend finding a workshop or two.

Structured classes, can give you a bit of scaffolding to experiment with fire and other jewelry making techniques without a big investment in tools and equipment before you feel ready to use them.

Torch Fear to Torch Adoration - Fabricating Rings by Diana White  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Recycled Gold on Sterling Modern Design Ring, Brush finished Shank and High Polished Focal

Diana White
Mockingbird Lane Wire

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