Easy Jewelry Fundraiser Idea

by Kathy Zee.
(Fiddletown, CA)

Easy Jewelry Fundraiser Idea by Kathy Zee  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

lead and nickel free necklaces

I am doing a fund raiser for a high school and I needed to come up with some less expensive ideas to make some cute things for the teens.

We all have one charm or one of something in our stash and I went through all my charms and pendants and pulled out the things that I just had one of.

I had some 20 inch chain that I bought from Annie Howes, and made some necklaces, simple designs, easy to put together.

Easy Jewelry Fundraiser Idea by Kathy Zee  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Set of four necklaces

These sell for $10 each and are affordable for the kids.

You can see I use my packaging, on my jewelry cards that I have printed with my logo.

I have already sold ten of these which made me $100… so get your one-sies out and make some necklaces for your next jewelry show.

I have found it’s amazing what sells at shows.

Easy Jewelry Fundraiser Idea by Kathy Zee  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

More necklaces, simple with chain.

I know it’s not too creative but it is working to make extra money and using up things that are just in my collection of charms.

I also find they sell better packaged like this versus hanging or displayed.

I put one out on a display with a sign “Necklaces $10.00” The rest go in a basket.

Kathy Zee
ZeeBlings by Kathy Zee
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