Cut Steel Shoe Buckle Assemblage Bracelet
by Diane Wurster.

Vintage cut steel shoe buckle bracelet
I work at an antique store in Dundee, Michigan.
The owner, Cassie, and I love going through the bags of old jewelry she gets in almost as much as trading jewelry with each other, since we both collect antique and vintage jewelry.
We were pleasantly surprised when we came across three fabulous antique to vintage cut steel shoe buckles in a large box of mostly plastic beads and pendants.

One of the traded shoe buckles
We both fell in love with them instantly, but Cassie didn’t want to sell one of them, let alone all three.
What was I to do?

One of my own art deco dress clips.
It took four of my brooches and a chain that she had had her eyes on in order to get her to trade the shoe buckles!
Now I knew that I had to make something special with them, and this is my first attempt.

The back of the bracelet looks almost as fantastic as the front.
I used one of the shoe buckles as the centerpiece of this bracelet, used two of my art deco rhinestone dress clips for the sides, and finished the bracelet with green glass art beads I took from a broken, vintage rosary.
I think the trade was worth it. Do you?
Diane Wurster
Celestial Bling