Selling Jewelry on Facebook?
by Roxanne Driever.

Selling Jewelry on Facebook? – Discussion on Jewelry Making Journal
I’ve been making one of a kind pieces of jewelry for about 4 years now, self taught. How I make a sell can be tricky. A person can say “I really love how…blah blah blah.”
So, as I was scratching my head thinking why are they not buying the piece they so loved? I post my creations daily on Facebook, my page is open to the public, marketplace is also a recommend place to post too.
When I notice that someone had like an item I will personally contact them. I’ll start the conversation and ask what and why did they liked it and maybe they’ll recommend something to add/delete to the piece.
Keeping the conversation going I’ll ask, do you like the color I used it not what color would you choose? ( Can you see where I’m going with this)? Then end the conversation with thank you, hope to talk again.
I would then make the piece of jewelry to their liking, take a picture of it and go back to the conversation and ask, is this what you meant?
I get a sell 80% of the time.
What are your strategies?