Home Made Earring Display & Tray Riser

by Tara Myers.
(Belton, South Carolina USA)

This past December, I was doing my first show at our local mall. I had no idea how I was going to display all of the earrings that I had made.

My two earring tree displays together when my table was large enough

My two earring tree displays together when my table was large enough

While shopping for beading supplies, I saw wooden trees with holes in them. I bought them and some dowel rods and glue, along with paint, I whistled all the way home 🙂

A closer view of the dowel rod on the earring tree display

A closer view of the dowel rod on the earring tree display

After getting all the pieces cut and glued in, I painted the trees green and used on my tables at the mall. I used them again in April at a festival and realized that maybe I should use them only at Christmas, but I’m not sure.

Tray elevators from my cake decorating supplies :)

Tray elevators from my cake decorating supplies 🙂

While at the mall, I also needed something to elevate my jewelry trays to help display them all. I thought of some flower trays that I had used in cake decorating class and went home to find them. I used plastic/sticky shelf liner fabric on them and they work great with my trays.

I cut a couple of them to have different various elevation advantages.

Tara Myers

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