Jewelry Influenced by the World’s Oceans

by Sherry Day.
(Pointe aux Barques, Michigan)

Jewelry Influenced by the World’s Oceans by Sherry Day  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

A turquoise sea star is the focal point of this piece with glass beads and freshwater pearls accented with silver.

Having spent the past five years sailing around the world, I find my current color palette is strongly influenced by the seas.

Jewelry Influenced by the World’s Oceans by Sherry Day  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

A Sterling Silver Sea Star highlights the necklace made of glass beads, freshwater pearls and black crystals.

Water is not blue! Water is clear. It is the way light is reflected off the water and what lies under that gives us the many shades of blues and turquoise.

Jewelry Influenced by the World’s Oceans by Sherry Day  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

While trying to get the sea out of my system, I found I was still focused on the same colors. This time turquoise magnesite and gold beads set of the arrowhead.

My eye is attracted to those colors whenever I am ordering beads and crystals.

Jewelry Influenced by the World’s Oceans by Sherry Day  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Blues and turquoise still remain the theme in this peacock necklace. The colors of the sea are still a strong influence.

As a result, I have added a number of new necklaces to my NautiGal Collection. They have been well received by my clients.

Sherry Day
Trillium Studio

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