Choose a Daily Dose of JOY

by Lynda Carson.
(Spring Valley, CA)

Daily Dose of JOY, by Lynda Carson

Daily Dose of JOY, by Lynda Carson

I haven’t made any new jewelry for awhile now.

But one afternoon last week, in the midst of this pandemic crisis, I was literally struck with the need to go make a necklace that would remind me that joy is a choice I can make…a daily choice.

No matter who we are with, where we are, or what is going on around us.

Hopeful, but not naive to the real, tragic circumstances in the world.

This necklace is something I now wear daily as a reminder.

The stamping is not perfect, the wire wrapping is crooked, but my intention is firm.

To CHOOSE JOY everyday and to find ways to share it with others.

Peace and health to you.

Lynda Carson
Fresh Baked Designs

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