Why I Listen to My Intuition

Jewelry and Coffee with Rena
Video Episode 16

by Rena Klingenberg.

When my intuition kicked in during this emergency, I definitely became a believer in following its guidance!

Transcript of This Video:

I am fascinated with the topic of intuition.

I use my internal guidance a lot for my everyday life, my art, and my business.

And I want to share with you the event that really made me start listening to my intuition:

It was several years ago, when I thought I was going to be moving to this particular town, and a real estate lady was taking me around that town showing me different houses that day.

We looked at a whole bunch of houses in one day, and as it got toward twilight she was showing me the last house on our list.

When we got there, the people who were still living there happened to be home, so they were glad to have us there, and they showed us around all the special features of the house.

The lady of the house was taking us upstairs to look at this special room that she had just finished decorating.

But when we got to the top of the stairs, I suddenly had a panic attack. I mean, just absolutely flat-out sheer terror.

And all I could think was, “I have got to get out of this house. We’ve all got to get out of this house!”

And that’s not like me, to feel that way.

But I was suddenly very guided by it.

I didn’t want anyone to think I was weird, or that I didn’t appreciate the house – so I just said,

“You know, I didn’t get to see the back yard yet and I want to see it before it gets dark.”

So I kind of rushed everybody outside.

When we got out to the yard, I looked back at the house – and there was this stream of gray smoke coming out of the roof.

And shortly after that, some flames burst out of the roof!

It turned out that they had a propane-powered heater or water heater that was malfunctioning.

And in a very short time, the house was engulfed in flames.

The house was surrounded by these huge, gorgeous pine trees that were catching on fire because they were so close to the house.

We all stepped way back, and we called 911, and we had the volunteer fire department come to put out the fire.

It was so strange that we had been in the house a few minutes earlier, and now here we are out in the yard, watching it burn to the ground.

But that was the day that I really learned that I need to listen to my intuition – because it never steers me wrong.

Of course, intuition isn’t always a panic attack, and it isn’t always about something life threatening.

It can be about just small everyday matters.

It can be about design decisions in your art.

It can be what direction should you go with your business, or who you should work with – things like that.

For me, I find that my intuition comes in the form of a feeling.

I just feel that something’s right, or I feel that something isn’t right for me. Or in the case of the house fire, I felt panic!

I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with intuition.

If you use your intuition, how do you receive the messages?

Do you get a feeling, or do you hear a message, or do you just “know” something?

And then how do you follow it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on that!

I want to thank you for coming in today, and I’ll see you next time.

The Jewelry Rena’s Wearing
in This Video:

ocean jewelry by Rena Klingenberg

Abalone and Sterling Silver Wire Ring: Made by Rena Klingenberg.

Rainbow Mother of Pearl Earrings: Sterling silver wire work by Rena Klingenberg.

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