We Started Life as Earrings

by Nancy Vaughan.
(San Diego, CA)

What can you make with a pair of earrings? More earrings of course or something completely different. I chose to make something different.


The earrings had lots of components and I wanted to use as many as possible. So I took them apart then waited for inspiration to strike. I had no idea what I was going to make or how to put it together but I do love a challenge.

None of the parts were large enough to use as a focal point so I decided to add a large red brass disc with a textured surface as a pendant.

The scarabs had rather large holes through the center so they were easy to string on the chain with the larger brass beads.



The tiny brass coins and their beaded eye pin were attached to wire loops on the bottom of the scarabs. The scarabs were attached to the ear wires by additional beaded eye pins.

The finished design contains all of the original ear ring parts except the ear wires and the wires used to make the loops on the scarabs. Unfortunately the ear wires were a bit mangled and there was no way to salvage them.

The new components that were added are the large and small brass discs, the chain with hook clasp and new ear wires.

Nancy Vaughan



“We started life as earrings”
by: Rena

Nancy, I love your charming title for this page – as though the earrings are telling us the story of how they evolved into a necklace.

Also, this is a fabulous necklace – I would so wear something like this. I have enjoyed all of your creative jewelry projects, such as your amazing jewelry created with packing-box staples.

Neat boho style on the necklace here – and I loved hearing about the process of creating it.

Thanks so much for sharing your artistry with us!

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