The Courage to Try New Opportunities in Your Jewelry Business (Video)

Jewelry and Coffee with Rena

by Rena Klingenberg.

It can be hard to make yourself step out and take advantage of a new opportunity. Here’s a mindset that can help you do it easily:

Transcript of This Video:

One of the best ways to advance in your jewelry business is to experiment with new opportunities.

Often that can lead to big leaps in your progress.

However, it can be difficult to step out and take advantage of a new opportunity.

On one hand, we’re thrilled about the idea of being successful with this opportunity.

But on the other hand, the thought of failing with it can be kind of daunting.

Because nobody wants to feel like they’ve failed.

So instead of thinking of it as success vs. failure when you try something new, look at it as something that turns out to be a good fit for you, or not a good fit for you.

It’s just like when you go shopping for clothing and you pick out some clothes and take them into the fitting room to try them on.

Some of the clothes are a good fit for you, and some are not a good fit for you.

But you don’t know which are going to be which until you try them on.

So I’d like for you to use that perspective when you try out something new for your jewelry business.

Part of your job as an entrepreneur is to try on opportunities so you can find the things that are a good fit for you.

You’ll be the happiest in your jewelry business, and things will work the best, if you’re constantly finding the things that are a good fit for you and eliminating the things that aren’t a good fit.

For example:

Some customers are a good fit for you, and others aren’t

Some shops are a good fit for your jewelry, and others aren’t.

Some ways of selling your jewelry online may be a good fit for you and others aren’t.

And when you try something and it doesn’t work out – think about whether you could make adjustments that would make it a better fit for you.

If not, then there was no failure involved. It just wasn’t a good fit for you.

I’d love to hear your experiences with trying new things for your jewelry business that were either a good fit or not a good fit for you.

Thanks for stopping in today – I’ll see you soon!

How to Have the Courage to Try New Opportunities in Your Jewelry Business, by Rena Klingenberg, Jewelry Making Journal

The Jewelry Rena’s Wearing
in This Video:

Spiral and Shell Jewelry by Rena Klingenberg

Earrings: From my Zen Spiral Earrings tutorial – except that I’m wearing ones made from 14k gf wire.

Necklace: Seashell pendant with handmade wire bail, Czech glass and seed bead strand, and pretty crimp bead covers from my tutorial.

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