Show People How to Wear Jewelry (Video)

Jewelry and Coffee with Rena
Video Episode 18

by Rena Klingenberg.

I was surprised at how many customers didn’t know how to put on or take off these two jewelry items – so here’s how I showed them how to do it:

Transcript of This Video:

I want to share an experience – and I’m wondering if you’ve ever had this experience too.

I have always made and sold a lot of cuff bracelets.

And when I say “cuff bracelets”, I mean C-shaped bracelets that are a band with an opening that goes on the inside of your wrist.

Well, one thing that I discovered almost right away when I started selling these was that there are a lot of people who really don’t know how to put these on.

I was amazed at how many people, when they were interested in one of these bracelets, and went to try it on – would try to shove the cuff bracelet on over their hand.

And then they’d say, “Well, it doesn’t fit.”

And to me it was obvious that the little opening should go on over the wrist.

But it wasn’t obvious to a lot of other people.

I didn’t want to make people feel embarrassed by having to correct them, “Oh, no, that’s not how you put it on.”

So here’s what I started doing when people came over to look at my cuff bracelet collection:

I’d pick up one of the bracelets that they weren’t looking at, and I’d just kind of talk about the style a little bit, and then I’d just casually put it on the way it should be put on while I talked about it.

That way they could see the easy way to put it on, and they were saved the embarrassment of me saying, “Oh, no, don’t put it on like that.”

Or they didn’t have to feel like, “Oh, duh, I should have known that.”

So that was just kind of a subtle way that I’d help people learn how to try my stuff on – without having to actually make a point of the fact that they were doing it the wrong way.

One other thing I used to do along these lines when I was selling a lot of rings:

I noticed that when people would try on a ring, the first thing they would do when they wanted to take a ring off was to put their thumb on the bottom of the ring, and put their finger on top of the ring (on the stone) and then pull on whatever setting was on there to take the ring off.

Of course, over time that’s going to damage the setting you have on the top, or loosen the stones, or whatever you’ve got up there.

So I would teach people that if they want to take good care of their rings, the best way to take them off is to put one finger on each side of the band – and simply slide it off by holding onto the sides.

So those are two ways that I helped my customers learn how to put jewelry on and take it off more easily.

I’d be interested to hear if you have any experiences with training your customers on anything about wearing jewelry.

Thank you for coming in today – I’ll see you next time!

The Jewelry Rena’s Wearing
in This Video:

Rena's brass and copper jewelry

Rustic cuff bracelet: Made by Rena Klingenberg from brass with ammonia patina. See the tutorial: Rustic Cuff Bracelet.

Adjustable monogram ring: Made by Rena Klingenberg from brass wire, with sterling silver hand-stamped tag and jump ring. See the tutorial: Adjustable Monogram Ring.

Face-framing wire earrings: Made by Rena Klingenberg from brass and copper wire. See the tutorial: Face-Framing Wire Earrings.

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