Should I Swap Out Silver Plated for Sterling Silver?
by Nallery.
I was wondering under what circumstances would it be okay to only use silver plated throughout a whole piece? Is it okay to do it?
Or should sterling silver be the best option? I’ve made a lot of pieces I love using only silver plated material and I don’t know whether I should redo them using sterling silver or something equal to it.
The majority of my supplies are silver plated so I feel it would be a waste not to use it. Not sure of what my next move would be. Especially since I just started getting in to gemstones. Sterling silver I also see is expensive so I’m not sure I could actually afford it right now. Then I worry about how to price my items for silver plated jewelry.
I don’t know what to do or how I should go about doing it. I’m overwhelmed and confused about this. Please help me understand all of this!