Selling Pricey Jewelry vs. Bargain Jewelry

by Pamela Dudrow.

Selling Pricey Jewelry vs. Bargain Jewelry  - Discussion on Jewelry Making Journal

Recently I had an experience that I’d like to share.

I create jewelry and sell at a price I think is a good retail price; taking into consideration how much time I’ve put into each piece, and addressing the current popularity of the technique I use.

Okay, it’s pricey!

Selling Pricey Jewelry vs. Bargain Jewelry - Fold Formed Jewelry by Pamela Dudrow  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

I recently attended a show where the audience was looking for a bargain.

I took with me two trays of earrings that I really wanted to unload, so I put “rock bottom” sale prices on each pair.

Selling Pricey Jewelry vs. Bargain Jewelry - Fold Formed Jewelry by Pamela Dudrow  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Well, what occurred was eye-opening for me.

NO ONE purchased any of my regularly priced items!

I made a lot of sales that day, but the only items purchased were those darned sale priced earrings!!!

I barely made my entry fee in sales!

Soo… This past weekend I had a show where the venue was centered around Bike Nite (a rowdy group of Harley motorcyclists come-together for an evening of music, festivities, and showing off their “machines”!)

I took a chance because they hadn’t had a jewelry vendor before.

I decided, based on my last experience with the sale earrings, that I would take my newly formed niche jewelry and sell at full price (i.e.: pricey).

Selling Pricey Jewelry vs. Bargain Jewelry - fold formed metal jewelry by Pamela Dudrow -  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Much to my surprise I experienced the best revenue for any show I had ever attended!

Point is, people will pay full price when ALL your jewelry reflects the higher price that translated into very special handmade artist jewelry!

Go with your head; not that sentimental heart you carry around in your chest!!!

Pamela Dudrow
Jesco Jewelry
Jesco Jewelry on Facebook

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