Are You Ready to Take Your Jewelry Business to the Next Level?

by Rena Klingenberg. © 2003-Present Rena Klingenberg. All Rights Reserved

Are You Ready to Take Your Jewelry Business to the Next Level? by Rena Klingenberg, Jewelry Making Journal Do you sometimes look at the next level of making or selling jewelry – and wonder if you’re ready to take that step?

One thing I can tell you about “being ready” is that we often don’t feel like we’re ready for our next step.

Moving up to the next level of jewelry shows, pricing, clientele, materials, etc. can feel totally outside of your comfort zone.

But if you can look past your uncertainty and take that next step anyway, you will usually discover that you settle in just fine there.

And before you know it,
that new level is your new comfort zone.

Here’s an example from my own journey:

I daydreamed about selling my handmade jewelry for a long time, hovering on the edge of doing it – but afraid to take the first step.

I wanted to do it very badly, but it was so hard (and scary) to put myself and my creations out there!

So how did I finally step up to the level of starting my jewelry business?

A good friend forced me to do a jewelry table next to her, at her church’s Christmas craft show.

She had made some wreaths to sell, and signed both of us up for the show.

I told her I didn’t feel ready for it, and my jewelry wasn’t ready for it either – but she insisted I was more ready than I felt like I was.

Here’s what happened:

I was nearly sick from nerves, but I did the show – and I sold enough pieces that day to be thrilled with my results.

It turned out that my jewelry and I were ready after all.

And my jewelry business – plus a whole new facet of my life – were born that day.

It’s totally natural to think, “But I’m not ready!” whenever you’re faced with taking the next step in making or selling jewelry.

So when you get an opportunity you’ve been working for, or receive a bigger jewelry order than you’re accustomed to – or anything that takes you to your next level – just remember:

You’re ready.

Even if you don’t feel prepared for this level of success.

You’re about to step up into
your next comfort zone.

And here’s something to consider:

Artists who wonder if they’re ready for the next step tend to be quality-conscious folks.

So the products and services they provide are often better than most of what’s currently available at that next level.

That means you’re more than ready. 🙂

I’d love to hear your experiences with “next levels”!

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