Massive Steampunk Festival: I’m in!!…uh oh…I’m In.
by Roz Asquith.
(Townsville, North Queensland, Australia)
I love Rena’s books and the one about market stalls is my absolute bible (modified for Australia though!!)
I am freaking out – I put a submission to be a stallholder at the very first Australia Steampunk Festival. This was 3 months ago or so.
I have received my approval. What I did not anticipate was the expected numbers and the caliber of the fellow stallholders.
I am just a mum working from home creating weird and wonderful Steampunk Jewellery and accessories.
So, it is expected to received at least 30,000 people over the 2 days – trading from 10am – 5pm each day.
What would you consider numbers of various jewellery items, e.g. earrings (200 pr?), necklaces, rings, formal steampunk hats, crazy hats?
By the Way the Festival is on 3/4 August 2013 so I am getting in early, considering it’s only me who makes them it really isn’t that long a time.
Also how do I stop the duldrums of making stacks of stuff and not losing my love of making jewellery??
Thank you in advance. Roz
Roz Asquith
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