Make Your Own Jewelry Booth Backdrop
by Kathi.
(Michigan USA)
I have seen many different types of back drops over the years but have noticed that not many of them are easily put together or transported. I did a lot of research and found the best choice for my budget was PVC pipe.
It’s easily put together, easily transported (I keep mine in a Christmas tree bag with wheels) and fairly inexpensive to make. All that’s needed is PVC and a saw. This seemed the most economical at the time and although I might design it a bit differently, after 7 years I would still use PVC.
Decide what size you would like (mine is 8ftx6ft) Remember after adding elbows and joints, this will increase the size of your back drop.
So, if you want a back drop 8ft by 6ft, subtract about 6 inches from the length and height (mine was too tall and I couldn’t reach the top and had to reduce the size by re-cutting the pvc- if you’re a little “vertically challenged” as I am, keep this in mind),
Assuming you are making a your backdrop 8 feet wide by 6 feet high this is what you will need:
- 6 pieces of pvc-3 ½ ft long (these are for the top and bottom and center brace-optional)
- 6 pieces of pvc-2ft 9inches long (two sides and middle brace-required)
- 4 pieces of pvc 1 ft long (feet)
- 8-T connectors
- 2-4 way connectors
- 2-L connectors
- 3-2 inch pieces of pvc to attach feet
Cut pvc to desired length and put together as shown in diagram. This takes some practice and I initially color coded mine to make it easier to assemble. After practice, it will only take about 5 minutes to assemble. I slip shear curtains on mine and added a drape across the top. I also hang my sign on the top.
Note*When positioned against the wall, I add only two feet and for safety use duct tape to fasten to wall. When not against the wall, I use all four feet and for safety duct tape to floor.
I also added two pieces of plastic dowel to the top of my backdrop to drape swag.