Jewelry Travel Organizer
by Rena Klingenberg. © 2003-Present Rena Klingenberg. All Rights Reserved
A jewelry travel organizer is easy to make with some clear plastic pocket pages and a 3-ring binder.
These pages are actually designed for displaying collections of coins, postage stamps, baseball cards, postcards, etc.
But they’re also ideal for displaying or organizing jewelry.
Pocket pages are usually made to be very sturdy, archival quality, and acid-free. They’re also completely clear, so your jewelry is perfectly visible through the plastic.
A binder for your
jewelry travel organizer
Since pocket pages come 3-hole punched, you can simply put them into an attractive binder.
I would use a binder with a built-in zipper around the edge to keep the dirt out and your jewelry in.
You could even decorate the binder cover to customize it for your jewelry business, to make it a really professional looking jewelry travel organizer.
Common pocket page configurations
that work well for jewelry:
* 20-Pocket Coin Pages
pocket size: 2-1/8″ x 2-1/8″
* 9-Pocket Baseball Card / Trading Card Pages
(shown in the photo above)
pocket size: 2-5/8″ x 3-5/8″
* 4-Pocket Postcard Pages
pocket size: 3-3/4″ x 5-1/2″
A portable jewelry display
you can carry nearly anywhere
You can actually fit quite a lot of inventory into a three-ring zipper-binder.
You could even place each jewelry item into a mini ziplock bag before putting it in the pocket, to keep it shiny longer.
To show and sell your work, you can simply pull your jewelry travel organizer out of a backpack or tote bag – and flip easily through the clear plastic pages.
Rena Klingenberg