Inspiration From the Work of Others: What’s OK?

by Patti Adcock.
(United States)


I just submitted my first challenge entry EVER here on Jewelry Making Journal and I have a question I’d like to pose to Rena and the general readership of this forum.

In the making of my entry piece, I was inspired from trying to recreate an inexpensive piece I saw on a bead supplier website. It was one of those very inexpensive kind of necklaces that you can purchase in a bulk quantity for a dollar or two apiece and make a good profit.

I began gathering components from what I had on hand, and it just turned into something that I think looks completely different.

My question is, would it be ethically acceptable to copy something like that to resell? (I mean really copy, instead of use a piece to make something that turned out different, like my piece.)

Would that infringe on somebody’s copyright?

I know that I should never copy another jewelry maker’s/artist’s piece to resell it, but is it okay to make it for my personal use?

What about stuff I see in retail department stores?

I am grateful for your opinions, and I really want to make sure and do the right thing.

Patti Adcock
Hope Springs in Turtles, llc

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