Inexpensive Booth Signage

by Brandi.
(Turlock, California)

My free booth banner

I ordered a banner from for a vendor booth set up that I only had 3 days notice for. I went to the website and selected to order from their wide variety of free items available.

I was able to design this banner using only the free options available for this particular item.

Since I do not have a set logo that I associate yet my work with yet, I did not have to pay to download my logo.

I was able to pick the color scheme, the font type and size, as much wording as I was able to fit on the banner (making font size and type adjustments along the way).

I was able to get all the pertinent info I thought necessary onto it in a roomly manner, to keep it looking profession yet fun.

My event was being held on a Saturday, I ordered the banner on Tuesday night.

I had it in my hands and ready to hang before I left Saturday morning at 6:30 a.m. (received it Thursday afternoon).

I cannot speak highly enough of They have come to the rescue (for FREE) on more than one occassion!!! I highly reccommend them to anyone starting out a tight budget and especially with no budget!!!

Bead Designs by Brandi

* Although Vistaprint is an excellent resource, the free promotions change periodically. Free banners may not always be available.   – Alicia, JMJ Content Specialist


Great banner!
by: Rena

Your banner turned out wonderfully – what a great job of getting it fast, free, and professional-looking!

Also, I just wanted to let everyone else know that you can read the rest of Brandi’s impressive job of pulling together a complete jewelry booth display in three days here:

Repurposed Fireplace Screen Earring Display.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your great-looking banner, Brandi!

Me Too!
by: Paula Reynolds

I’ve gotten tons! of stuff. I got 3 banners from there! Tho, the car signs don’t last long…but for free who cares!

Vista Print fan club…
by: Ann Nolen

Hi all,
After reading about Vista Print on Rena’s website, I have also become a fan. I love the email offers they send me, and have to admit I try to figure out how much free stuff I can cram into any order. When you get around to uploading your photos, you will be delighted. They look so good, even when huge on a banner!
This last order I finally decided to buy one of their banner stands for the free banner I ordered. It worked really well in my booth and I plan to order more. No more hassling with hanging them for me! It adjusted up so I could have the base and pole behind my table, with the banner up at eye height. Only drawback is it has to be vertical (rather than horizontal) but it worked so well that I am not going to worry about that. In the afternoon when the wind came up, I ran a bungee cord from the top to the canopy frame, and it never blew away and still looked great.


I love Vistaprint
by: Lorraine/Wired Orchid

I’m waiting for my own banner as I write this. I’ve ordered many items from VP and they come through every time. They are a starving artist’s dream!

I’ll order right now!
by: Lisa W.

that’s a beautiful banner, I can’t believe they offered it for free!!!Thanks for the great advice!

I liked VistaPrints business cards so much that I paid for them. Strangely enough, I don’t get offers for free stuff! I can’t quite understand that marketing strategy, but I’m going to order my banner right now. Maybe then I’ll get more free stuff offers!!

(BTW, I am thrilled with their cards and high quality work. They are still the best price around, even if you choose to pay (I wanted black glossy), and I never regretted the purchase, it’s totally worth it.)

Vista Print
by: Debbie

Great job on the banner design and I had not even thought of them for a banner. I went to on of those copy places and they charged me $60.00 and it didn’t even look very professional. I love Vista Print, they have never disappointed me and everything always arrives on time. Their prices and customer service a phenomenal. Recommend them to all my friends.

Vista Print
by: Anita

Vista Print is great too if you want to stick to a theme or design. I ordered business cards, return address labels and memo pads all with the same design. That way when I mail out an order, everything looks coordinated and professional. These were minimal cost and I even had a coupon for 25% off.


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