I Became The Photographer, The Photographer Became the Model
by Janine.
(Holliston, Massachusetts USA)
A friend of mine takes great photos. She loves my jewelry and suggested one day that we should go out and take photos of it. She volunteered to become my model.

My friend Sam being herself!
It was so much fun I don’t think she felt odd about being in front of the camera! She helped me by directing the angling of the shots and lighting. I have taken several photography classes and photograph my own jewelry so I had a little bit of experience.
We even brought my 3 year old daughter and we both did some shots of her too. We were at a historic site called Purgatory Chasm. Sounds creepy, but its just a cool type of “Gorge”.

My little one modeling my ring.

Using the shoot to make my Facebook page banner.
It’s a place that has a big crack in the earth. It has walls of rock as big as 60 feet high and lots of cool caves, nooks and pathways. It was around fall so the leaves were at peak season.