How to Create a Brand that Differentiates You from Other Jewelry Artists

Jewelry Business Insider:
Rena’s Exclusive Interviews with the Experts

Interview with Pamela Wilson by Rena Klingenberg

Branding expert Pamela Wilson

Branding expert Pamela Wilson


RENA:  What is a “brand”, and why does it influence what people think about a business?

PAMELA:  Most people think of a brand as a logo, symbol, or set of colors. They associate red and white with Coca-Cola, and the big golden arches with McDonald’s.

But the real definition of a brand is buried in your question: it’s what people think (and feel) about a business.

Those thoughts and feelings are directly influenced by the way you communicate your business message, and how you treat prospects and customers.

You can use a beautiful logo and sophisticated marketing materials, but if your customer service is shoddy, your brand will have a bad reputation.

The smart way to think about it is that everything is connected, and you need to work on the entire brand experience if you want to build a brand that grows your business.

It starts with a memorable presentation of your message, and follows all the way through the education and buying experience, and the post-sale relationship.


RENA:  Some handmade business brands feel very compelling and unique.  What’s the secret of a strong, distinctive brand for a handmade jewelry business?

PAMELA:  Handmade products are strongly associated with the person who makes them, and one of their most important selling points (in my opinion) is that they’re unique and personal.

If a handmade jewelry business owner asked me for marketing advice, I’d encourage them to think closely about what makes them unique as people, and what makes their product remarkable.

Some examples might be:

  • An eco-conscious jewelry maker who only uses recycled materials in her work
  • A former corporate executive who makes jewelry that works both for the office and after work
  • A world traveller who uses materials from exotic locales in his creations

When you craft a story around who you are, and link that with what you create, it’s a powerful (and memorable) way to brand your business.


RENA:  If you were a jewelry artist, what action steps would you take right now to establish a distinctive brand for your business, that would differentiate you from other jewelry artists?

PAMELA:  If you’re ready to start working on your brand now, here are some first steps you can take to get results fast.

First, think about who you’d like to sell to.

Envision why they want your product, and what deep-seated need it meets.

These might be things like “I want to feel beautiful after middle age” or “I need to look professional – but unique – in my corporate job.”

Then, spend some time working on how you’ll present your message in a way that makes sense to them, and “speaks their language.”

Think about both your verbal and your visual message. Use phrases that resonate with them, and colors and images they’ll relate to.

Think about what personal story you can incorporate into your marketing materials.

It’s much easier to engage with a brand and a product when you “know” the people behind it.

Use your website, social media, and your marketing materials to tell your story.

For image and color inspiration, look at the consumer products that are already popular with the group you’re trying to reach.

Don’t copy colors or fonts exactly, but take inspiration from them.

Finally, sign up for my free Marketing Toolkit.  You’ll get an exclusive marketing audio and my ten-part Design 101 course, which outlines graphic design basics you can use to make your marketing materials look better and grow your business.

Brand building takes place over time, so the sooner you start consistently implementing these branding decisions, the sooner you’ll see results!


RENA:  Pamela, thank you for stopping by to share this helpful info on branding a handmade jewelry business!

About Pamela Wilson:

Pamela Wilson knows that your business might be small, but your brand can be BIG. She shows you how to build your brand and your business at the Big Brand System.

Pamela has helped small business owners for over 25 years as a graphic designer and marketing consultant. She has a profound understanding of the challenges small business owners face because she is one herself.

Grab her free Marketing Toolkit on this page designed especially for Jewelry Making Journal readers.  You’ll get a marketing boost audio, her ten-part Design 101 course, and exclusive Weekend Digest newsletter, so you can start building your own BIG brand.

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