9) How My Jewelry Show Display Works

© by Rena Klingenberg; © 2003-Present Rena Klingenberg. All Rights Reserved

Here’s how my modular jewelry show display works when you put all the pieces together. It takes me only 30 minutes to go from completely packed up to completely set up!

What you see in this photo is everything I take to shows:

Everything I need for setting up my full jewelry show display.

Here’s what you see in the photo above:

At the far left are my four booth lamps, shrouded in white plastic trash bags and bubble wrap, in a bin along with their spare light bulbs and extension cords.

To the right of that, you can see my two rolling aluminum jewelry carrying cases. Inside these are my entire jewelry inventory (30 to 40 trays), mirrors, booth signs, and a few other display odds and ends.

To the far right are my four folding aluminum tables, inside their black stuff sacks.

And in the front is a rubbermaid tub with my jewelry packaging supplies, table covers, lint rollers, hand wipes, and my personal “booth survival kit”.

(If the event is an outdoor show, I would also bring my EZ-Up tent and weights – which are not shown here.)

You can see why this efficient display system is so quick to set up and take down, and compact to transport and store. Yet it all expands easily to fill up a 10′ x 10′ booth, and leaves me with plenty of time and energy to sell jewelry.

My Modular Jewelry Show Display
in Action

Here’s my booth at an indoor art show:

Just 30 minutes after bringing everything inside, my jewelry show booth is completely set up.

Once everything is brought to the booth space from the car, this setup takes one person about 30 minutes.

Can You Really
Set up a Jewelry Booth in 30 Minutes?

My 30-minute setup time assumes that everything you bring to the show was freshly repacked and organized at home, the day before the show.

So if you didn’t repack at home, and you’re setting up from the mess left over from your last show, add an extra hour to your setup time! 🙂

Stuff sacks and my rubbermaid tub stow neatly under the tables; aluminum jewelry carrying cases park at the back of my booth space.

The jewelry display trays and display risers I use make a professional-looking jewelry show display a snap to store and set up.

Below is a closeup of the side of my booth:

My $20-and-under items (which usually earn more than what I paid for my booth fee) are at the left, and my earrings are in the black trays at the far right.

Here’s a view of the front of my booth from the other angle:

Pendants are in the black trays at the left; specialty necklaces and earrings are in the center; mostly out of the photo at the right are cuff bracelets. Easels hold my handmade pendant cords.

I’ve worked hard to keep this a lean, mean jewelry display system, with no unnecessary elements – partly because that’s my personal style.

I developed it from my jewelry display design list – what I personally require of my own jewelry display and storage system.

But if my jewelry show display is too stripped-down for your personal style, you could use this modular idea as a starting point and add additional displays or decor to suit your own unique jewelry business!

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