Help With My Messy Jewelry Booth Please

by Maddy.
(Alabama, USA)

A typical Maddy display – EEEK!

I know this is the most common question on here, but I’m at a loss. But two heads are better than one, and a bunch of heads is even betterer! My booth always looks a mess at shows, and I know its detracting from my customer appeal.

I want to go for a simple, Mediterranean beach theme, but you see, I’m broke! I bought most of my display pieces (various wire stands/racks, seashells, plastic table covers, sticks, sand, rocks) from the dollar store, thrift store, or found them in my yard.

I need some ideas on what I can make from things I probably have around the house, or could get for practically free, to jazz up my display space and make it less cluttered.

Jewelry by Madeline

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