Heart Shapes and Accidental Designs

by Zoraida.
(Patchogue, New York USA)

It was my original intention to create a heart shape pendant for a Valentine’s Day themed pendant, but I strayed.

Zoraida: Heart Shapes and Accidental Designs 1

While drawing the shape on my copper sheet, I included what would be a bail at the top. I had used a corner of the sheet, sort of at a diagonal (trying to save material) and liked the point at the top of the bail. It ended up looking more like the Ace of Spades! So that’s what it became instead of a heart. I then etched it and added a patina.

Still not happy with it, I gave it more substance by riveting it to a diamond like shape I cut from brass sheet. You can tell I like playing card symbols. After adding a wire bail, I loved it and will probably keep it.

A heart shape at last

A heart shape at last

Substantial as well

Substantial as well

I did decide to make another pendant however. This time it is actually a heart (maybe another ace card?) I didn’t mean for that to happen either.

Zoraida Jewelry
Zoraida at Artfire

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