Getting Publicity by Wearing My Jewelry
by Judy Pagnusat.
(Northern California, United States)

The necklace and earrings. The necklace has a story in that it is a copy of the earrings, which are buttons that a friend gave me. It is out of silver metal. I wear it more than any other piece of jewelry and would never sell it. I did make one other for the friend who gave me the buttons.
I always wear at least one piece of my jewelry and encourage my friends who make jewelry to do the same.
The unusual thing that happened to me was that on a trip this year to a very small island on the north end of the British Isles, Orkney, our tour guide admired the necklace I had on.
She loved it so much that asked if she could post a picture of it on the tour website.
She said they never do this, she just loved it so much.

The tour company’s Facebook post about my jewelry.
She did and it brought people to my website. Just proves you never know, and it is important to wear your work.

With husband Jerry in Orkney at one of the 5000-year-old archaeological sites we were touring.
Judy Pagnusat
JudyPag – Judy’s Art Site