Finally Found My Niche (Passion)

by Shonda.
(Miami, Florida USA)

I signed up for JMJ right along the time I started making jewelry… about 3 years ago and it has been a huge helpful resource for me. So thank you, first of all.

Purple Passion. I took apart a 3 piece earring set and made it into a pair.

Purple Passion. I took apart a 3 piece earring set and made it into a pair.

Now all of that time, my jewelry style has been what I see in stores and online but it never really resonated with me.

Another 3 piece earring set that was deconstructed and redesigned.

Another 3 piece earring set that was deconstructed and redesigned.

One day in the midst of creating, it hit me… why are you making things that you don’t even really like??? Since when do you do that? Sure they looked nice but it just wasn’t me, further more it took more time to get on the ball and actually get excited about making jewelry.

So I took my own advice and thought about what I really enjoy making. I’ve always been one for deconstructing and redesigning with a little bit jazz added in.

These I love because of the colors, the Bob Marley Rasta look is dear to me.

These I love because of the colors, the Bob Marley Rasta look is dear to me.

So these pieces are earrings that have been taken apart and amped up with a mix of things that I really enjoy doing. Thread wrapped, beaded, bonded and fun.

I like them, I’m not sure how the public will respond to them but I know I’m happy to be creating something that I actually like and am motivated to make.

Initially plain silver statement earrings, now rainbow conversation pieces.

Initially plain silver statement earrings, now rainbow conversation pieces.

Hopefully all goes well though as I’ve just recently turned my craft into a business.

The Jazzy Boho at Etsy

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