Experimenting with Epoxy Clay

by Susan Anderson.
(Home Studio)

I just finished playing around with a new product to use in jewelry making. It is an epoxy clay that can be used for repairing things. I used it to make some pendants.

First batch of pendants.

I cut a small section of the epoxy, then kneaded it to blend the two colors together, which are grey and black. Once the colors are blended, you can begin to create you piece.

SAnderson: Experimenting with Epoxy Clay 2

You need to work quickly because it begins to set up in about 5 minutes. In about 15 minutes it is pretty hard.

Top to Bottom: Mold, Cured Epoxy Pendant, Painted Pendant

Top to Bottom: Mold, Cured Epoxy Pendant, Painted Pendant

I used a mold to make the first pendant. I made 2 of them. One with a hole, and one without. The rest of the pieces I hand formed into shapes. The directions say after one hour you can drill in to it.

After about 15 minutes when the pieces hardened, I painted them with metallic paints. After letting them dry, I then highlighted each piece with black acrylic paint.

Finished Molded  Pendant

Finished Molded Pendant

I am going to let them cure fully for about a day then add a wire wrap bail to the pieces. This is my first batch of pendants that I am experimenting with. So far, I like how they are turning out.

If you decide to give epoxy clay a try my two recommendations:

1) Know what you want to create and have everything ready to go before you start mixing.

2) Add some texture to the back of your piece. I just pressed a small piece of a Scotch Brite pad onto the back to make some simple texture. The paint goes on easier with the texture and looks nicer.

Susan Anderson
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