Copper Pipe Earring Tree

by Kelly Godfrey.
(North Carolina)

Earring tree made from copper pipe and wire

My engineer husband built this earring tree for me out of copper piping and wire for me to display my handcrafted earrings on at shows.

I liked it so much I had him make another, and even got some orders for him to make more!

Thought I would share it as it has been a great way to display earrings and gives my husband an opportunity to be part of the jewelry business!

Kelly Godfrey
Coastal Treasures Handcrafted Jewelry


Copper Tree
by: Irene

Wow! What agreat idea. Lots of talent in that family!

by: Zoraida

Wow, what a great idea! I love lot of copper pipes that were given to me by a friend and I need an earring display.

I can’t tell from the photos how the loops are connected to the pipe? I could just wind wire around the pipe and loop it here and there.

Thanks for posting this.

I absolutely love this!
by: Jamie/JewelRena

Where the loops soldered?
Really simple, yet graceful and elegant.
This will patina very nicely.
Great idea! I “pinned” it on Pinterest….

by: Kelly

Thank you for all the nice comments! The loops are wrapped on with a separate thinner wire. It was the easiest way to secure them onto the main part of the earring tree. Hope that makes sense, let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks!

Great Earring Tree!
by: Diane

Love this idea! My question is do you use price tags on your earrings when you display them at shows and, if so, what kind do you use? Thanks for your input!

Diane’s Question
by: Kelly

Hi Diane – at shows I try to simplify things by keeping the earrings in the same price point. I will have one price for the earrings alone, and if purchased with another piece (bracelet or necklace) they are another price (less). I advertise this at shows by placing a little attractive “sign” with a print out with the prices and place it either in a small pretty frame displayed next to the earring tree or make decorative edges around the sign and tape it to the top of the earring tree. It’s easier than pricing them individually, I have found. Hope this helps!

Spiral earring display
by: Rena

I really like this, Kelly! It’s graceful but sturdy, and the spiral is a very nice effect.

I also like the wire loops wrapped around the pipe – the whole effect is lovely.

Thanks so much for sharing this great display idea (and your talented husband’s engineering artistry) with us!

Thanks Kelly!
by: Diane

Hi Kelly ~
Thank you for letting me know how you price your jewelry. I hasked another jewelrymaking friend the same question and she replied that she also single-prices her creations. I guess I’ve made more work for myself in creating separate prices for each of my items. I’ll need to rethink this whole pricing thing! ^_^

Thanks for your input! And again, I love the copper earring display your hubby made for you! Lucky gal!

Beautiful display
by: AnitaC

Kelly this is a great display and I love your comment in another post about how you display your pricing – great idea. Is your husband selling these on Etsy? Reason I’m asking is that there was a similar one there for sale (that I bought btw). Wonderful idea for displaying earrings in a small space – especially at craft shows! Thanks for sharing!

Anita’s question
by: Kelly

Thanks for your comments! He got the idea for the earring tree when we saw one similar to it at a local art gallery, so then put his own together. I’ve also seen other shapes, too, using the same materials. He does not sell them on Etsy, although that is a great idea that I will pass along to him! He’s just been making them to order.

by: Tricia – Bead Booty

Wow…very cool, very unique! I love it!

copper tree
by: polly johnson

Very cool very. good idea. im allway look for idea

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