Bullet Shell Jewelry for Men
by Virginia L Vivier.
(Sunny & Warm Tucson, Arizona USA)

Custom Bullet Shell Ring
My neighbor gives me all his “spent” bullet shells and I like to make something with them. I cut the end off of the bullet shell, drill a hole in the side and then wrap sterling silver wire around the shell. Guys really go for this ring. It’s chunky and comfortable.

Recycled Bullet Shell Bracelet
I’m not a “gun” person, and in light of recent events, I don’t make a big deal out of bullet shell jewelry, but I get continuous requests from Sport Hunters who bagged their first deer and want to make something special with the spent bullet shell casing. They send it to me and I make a custom pendant, bracelet, or ring, using their spent shell.

Bullet Shell Cuff
Virginia L Vivier
Esprit Mystique
Esprit Mystique at Etsy