Brass on Beige Jewelry Displays

by Cynthia Riggs.
(Warrington, Pennsylvania USA)

the table - overall

the table – overall

I sell jewelry in a small shop, which is part of the Cheltenham Center for the Arts. They have monthly Trunk Shows, and asked me to participate in one this past week.

necklaces on busts

necklaces on busts

They feature a wall artist and a table artist. My set up is very beige on purpose, so that my dark brass jewelry shows better. I transported and displayed my jewelry in trays.

enameled flowers on moss

enameled flowers on moss

This was due to only having 2 hours to set up and very little time (30 mins!) to tear down. The trays fit nicely into the 2 green boxes at the back of my table, used as risers. The only “beige” exception is my moss display for my enameled flower necklaces – everyone loves this fun display.

The trunk show was a blast, and a big success!

Cynthia Riggs
Riggs Relics Jewelry

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