Brand New Etsy Shop – How Do I Get Sales?

by Christine.

Brand New Etsy Shop - How Do I Get Sales?

I am a newbie to jewelry making.

I got so excited about finally finding and learning about jewelry making that I have jumped in head first.

Though I have learned a lot in the 3 months of making jewelry, and have opened up a shop on Etsy, I have yet to sell an item.

I am so addicted to making jewelry and I would love to have my hobby become my full time job.

I personally have come to find that very small amount of successful people that I follow on Etsy have not been willing to help me or share in how to become a succeful seller on Etsy.

Everyday I log into my shop and see zero orders I get more and more discouraged.

I know that things take time and I have only been on Etsy for 2 weeks now but I don’t know what to do as for as how to promote my site or business. I would appreciate any advice.

Cierra Alicia Etsy Shop

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