Bracelet Fastener Gift Pouch

by Noreen Doll.

(Crafty Journal)

Make a creative gift pouch to use as an attractive wrap for your bracelet fastening tool.

Whether you are making a bracelet fastener to give or sell, you need a pretty way to present it.

If you are crafting a lot of bracelet fasteners, you need a way to make the gift wrap quickly and cheaply.

Here are a couple of ideas for making a gift wrap from a piece of colorful card stock.

Bracelet Fastener Gift Pouch 1

What You Need

Card Stock




Scoring Tool

Craft Knife to Cut Slit

Cereal Box or Other Cardboard for Template

Double Sided Tape (for gift pouch 2)


What You Do

1. Make the pattern shown below. The size you need may be slightly different from this, depending on the size of your bracelet fastener.

I make my pattern on a piece of scratch paper first until it’s exactly how I want it.

Then I trace it on cereal box cardboard and cut it out so I have a template to quickly draw as many as I need.

2. Use the template to draw the gift pouch on the back of a sheet of card stock. I was only able to get 2 from a 12 inch x 12 inch sheet of card stock.

3. Cut out the gift pouch.

4. Score on the dashed fold lines shown above.

5. Cut the slit for the tab.

I fold the pouch and then mark on either side of the tip where I want the slit to be.  Then open the pouch and cut the slit.

6. Embellish the bracelet fastener gift pouch however you want.  This is a good chance to use up scraps of paper by cutting strips to use as a band around the pouch or punching flowers to go on top.

I cut the band 1 1/4 inch wide, but you could make it wider or narrower.

7. Wrap the paper band around the pouch and add a button or flower.

Just tape the band to itself so you can slide it off to open the bracelet fastener gift pouch to add the fastener. Then replace the colorful band on the pouch.

You could add your business card inside, or to the front or back.

Bracelet Fastener Gift Pouch 2

What You Do

1. Make your pattern on a sheet of paper.

2. Trace the pattern onto the cereal cardboard and cut it out.

3. Draw around the template on the back of colorful card stock. You can get 3 of these on a 12 inch x 12 inch sheet of card stock if you lay them out like this.

4. Cut out the gift pouches. Use scissors or a punch to cut the half circle out.

5. Score and fold on the dashed lines shown in the pattern photo above.

6. Cut the slit on the side with the half circle cut-out – where you can slide the top tab into it.

Fold the tab down and make a little mark on each side of it to show where you want to make the slit. Cut the slit.

7. Fold the side tab toward the center and run a line of double sided tape down the length as shown. Run a piece of tape across the bottom right next to the edge.

8. Fold the left side over the right side and burnish where you put the tape.

9. Slide the bracelet fastener inside the gift pouch and close it, inserting the tab into the slit.

10. Embellish your bracelet fastener gift pouch. Make a paper band that can be slid off, and then added after you’ve put the bracelet fastener inside.

The band I used is 1 1/4 inches wide, but wider or narrower would be fine.

11. You could add your business card to the back.


You can easily make a bunch of these bracelet fastener gift pouches when you have time, and then store them flat until you need them.

If you need to make a lot, enlist help from your kids.

If you are making these for family, let your kids decorate the gift packs with markers, stickers or drawings.

Also make a bracelet fastener gift envelope and a bracelet fastener travel pouch.

Noreen Doll

Crafty Journal

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