Body & Soul Jewelry

by Melanie Peckham.
(East TN)

Original B&SJ Business Card

I ordered my first set of business cards from Vistaprint a couple months ago. I loved them, but the colors turned out darker on the cards than what I was seeing on my monitor.

I actually liked the printed background color better because it’s more of a burgundy/maroon instead of purple.

Updated B&SJ Business Card

One thing I decided to change was the picture. The original picture had a dark background, which turned out very dark on the printed cards.

So I’ve updated my card with a new picture using a white background. Of course, I had to mess around with the text too.

The Back Side of my new cards

The first picture above is of the original version, then the updated version. I added black and white text to the back side of my updated card, which is the 3rd picture.

Let me know what you guys think. I’ve learned so much from this site! Thanks Rena!!

Melanie Peckham
Body and Soul Jewelry


Back of my business cards!
by: Joanne Stow Boyington

I got my business cards at Vistaprint too, and also did not like the original one I put together.

They had a special, offering me a “back” to my card, so I put my well wishes slogan “Wishing you the best life has to offer” that I use at the end of all my emails and text on my website, and then had them put just black lines, (on a white background) under my well wishes.

I do some home shows, so that can be used for dates for parties, or when I am available to do one.

When I sell a gemstone piece of jewelry, I write the name of the stone(s) on the back of the card( especially if it is a gift for someone else, they are buying it for)and put it in the gift box, along with the jewelry. Or they can be used for dates I jot down to remind them, when, I’ll be where, locally, etc.

It provides a wonderful way to add a special, personal touch or help them remember where I will be set up next.

I have even written directions on the back of my card, for someone who asked me how to get somewhere, locally.

The uses for those simple black lines, on a plain white background, (without busy text or pictures)under a well wish from me, are endless!

Wishing you…. Joanne


business cards
by: Patricia C Vener

The pendant shows up much better on the white background.

Your card is lovely and easy to read. I have worked on my own card and simplified it almost to the point of minimalism (but not really). The front has my name (very large) and logo (very small). There are two pictures in opposing corners (one jewelry art the other a painting). Website, PO Box and business phone also on the front. I think it’s shown on Rena’s site, actually. Lots of white space. The back has my artist statement but I am going to alternate that with my Bubbe Pin(TM) story.

I used to eschew using the back of the card so one could write notes on it. I have since decided that this is a waste of real estate.


Business Cards
by: Melanie Peckham

Thanks Joanne and Patricia for your comments. I really appreciate your insight. I have lots of new ideas!! I’m going to be knee-high in business cards by the time I settle on a “final” design. Ha! Thanks again – Melanie

Melanie Peckham
Body & Soul Jewelry

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