Bead Embroidery
by Lindy Lee.
(San Diego, California USA)

The first pendant and necklace was a kit I bought from Jody Young. She calls it the Sea Star, I was thrilled with how it came out.
In recent times I have been learning bead embroidery.

My next piece is a mini-tapestry which measures 10″ x 4″. This was a study of stitching styles, also taught by Jody Young.
It is complex, time consuming, and requires lots of materials.

For my third piece I stepped out on my own and made another mini-tapestry. This one measures 2.5″ x 7″ (including the fringe, not shown).
Nonetheless I am completely intrigued with the process and the results.

Lastly, I composed a necklace featuring turquoise magnesite slabs and aura quartz crystals.
Lindy Lee
Lindy Lee Treasures