A Violet for Remembrance – Helping the Cause
by Sarah Barnes.
(Wellesley Massachusetts)
Hi Everyone,
I have been a long time reader of your newsletter Rena and a home based jewelry designer for 6 years, but this is my first time submitting a story or article.
I must say, that I have gained a great deal of knowledge, support and inspiration from reading this newsletter over the years.
Matter of fact, my success story was inspired by a suggestion regarding jewelry donations and charity contacts for fundraising that was suggested to your readers in one of your past newsletters.
This particular jewelry tip hit very close to home for me.
You see, my mother (who I was very close to) passed away from Alzheimer’s disease three years ago. Her death had a profound effect on my life.
As a result I became very dedicated to do whatever I could to help individuals suffering from this horrible disease, their families and friends who care for and support them.
I vowed to try and help make a difference and do my part to help the cause. I just was not sure in what way I could become involved until I read your idea.
So, off I went. I designed an affordable, tasteful, yet simple sterling silver bracelet with a purple crystal charm in memory and in honor of my mother.
From there, Violets for Spring was born.
I then placed a photo and description of the piece on to my website as a fundraiser to help raise money for research and support programs for Alzheimer’s disease.
I contacted my local Alzheimer’s Association chapter, explained my ongoing idea and told them I would donate a portion of my sales to their chapter.
They were so thrilled that they offered to place a photo of my bracelet on their website and suggested that we link our websites as well.
In addition, I contacted my local town paper who did a story about my bracelets. And as a result of the story several local Alzheimer’s Centers invited me to sell the bracelets at their facilities.
A year and a half later it is still going strong. These bracelets have sold all over the country. I have even added several pieces to the line and plan on designing additional pieces.
What makes me even happier is that I am helping others, while at the same time a large portion of the sales have been donated to Alzheimer’s research.
I can’t tell you how many positive letters and emails I have received from those that have purchased pieces from the line, thanking me for helping the cause and making a difference in peoples lives.
Presently, I am now in the process of working on ways to expand on this idea and get the word out to others. I recently have contacted local TV stations who are very receptive to help with this project.
However, my hope is to reach out nationally. But, I am not quite sure how to proceed.
Their national office would be willing to help, however they want me to commit to a large dollar amount in sales. The problem is, is that my business is too small to make that commitment.
If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate your ideas.
Rena, I cannot thank you enough for your newsletter.
This project has helped me to heal my heart while at the same time (Most Importantly) to give back and help others, one bracelet at a time.
You are the Best,
Sarah Barnes
A Violet for Remembrance
by: Rena
Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful Mother. Hugs to you for all the sorrow you’ve endured.
I want to thank you so much for sharing your wonderful success story with us. And also for letting me know how much the fundraising / donating tips here helped you! That’s so awesome to hear.
I had goosebumps when I read that your bracelets have sold all over the country – and that you had such great response from the Alzheimer’s Association!
Great job on using the media – newspapers and TV stations – to help spread the word. They are always looking for good stories, and you gave them one.
Did you explain to the national office that your business is too small to make such a financial commitment? They may be willing to work out something different with you.
Or you might look into getting a sponsor that would help you meet the financial commitment, in the form of a donation of their own.
And for reaching out nationally, could you ask your contact people at the local newspaper and TV stations if they know of any media people you might contact at the national level? Getting referred by someone who knows someone is a great way to get your foot in the door.
Sarah, I’m just so proud of you and so thrilled to hear about the difference you’re making in so many people’s lives. Violets for Spring is a beautiful result of your creativity, bravery, and compassion.
Alzheimers fundraising
by: Pat
Dearest Sarah, my deepest sympathy for what you went through in losing your mother. Alzheimers is a terrible way to lose someone. But kudos to you for all that you have done in her memory to help others. You are an inspiration.
A Violet for Remembrance- Alzheimer’s Fundraiser
by: Anonymous
Hi Pat,
Thank you for your kind remarks and comments
My mother was very dear to me and there is not one day that goes by that I do not miss her. When she passed away ,the bottom of my life fell out.So, I vowed to do whatever I could to help stop this from happening to others.
As the baby boomer population gets older statistics show that the disease will only spread and grow. My main objrctive is to prevent this from happening by helpong to raise money and awareness about this horrific disease .
As I said in my story , I would like to take this to the national level. I am just not sure how to proceed with this right now. But, I am determined to find a way.
Thank you again for your kind remarks. I am happy that that I gave some inspiration.
All My Best,
Kudos & Suggestion
by: Diane
Sarah –
My sympathy in the loss of your mother from this horrible disease.
Your jewelry is beautiful and congrats on finding a business niche as well as a way in which to benefit others.
Have you thought of contacting an online Alzheimer’s message group (or maybe several groups) who might be interested in not only purchasing your jewelry for themselves but also in helping you (and the cause) rise to the national level? If you could get enough umph behind you, maybe when The Today Show or Good Morning America features Alzheimer’s, you may be in a position to tag along. Wouldn’t that be great? ^_^
Good luck with your venture. It is a worthy one!
press release
by: Kimberley G.
Sarah, have you written a press release about your Violets for Spring jewelry or about your Alzhemers benefit works? There are alot of places online that accept press releases, some are free and some services you have to pay for. It’s a good chance to get your story picked up and published in a lot of places. If you google something like ‘submit press release’ or ‘online press release’ you can probably find lists of these places. Good Luck! Youre doing great work!
A Violet For Rembrance
by: Sarah
Thank you Dianne and Kim for your compliments about my article and your suggestions on how to bring this project to a national level. I really do not know anything about the Alzheimer’s message board but I will look into it. You never know who might be on the other end that could help.
Thank you Kim for your great idea about the press release. I will definatly Google that and see what is available.
I will keep you updated. Much appreciated.
Alzheimer’s Support Jewelry
by: Patricia C Vener
I am myself the family primary caregiver for my mother who suffers with Alzheimer’s among other ailments. One place I know that’s very busy is agingcare.com. While most of us who read the articles are strapped for money, time, and sanity, it is a vocal online support group whose administration might be able and willing to help you get the word out.
I am always in awe of those of us artists who are so adept at and comfortable with promotion as you seem to be. Good luck.
Alzheimer’s Support Jewelry
by: Sarah Barnes
Patricia, I am so sorry to hear about your Mom and the family’s struggle with Alzheimer’s disease.This is a heartbreaking and horrific disease that does not get enough recognition. That is why I want to do my best to help with this cause and reach out on a national level.
Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and the lead that you gave me. I will be sure to follow up on this organization and see if they are willing to help me to promote this project. So far, I am still struggling with contacts and their willingness to get back to me. But, I will keep you posted.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Best Wishes,
Sarah Barnes
What about AARP?
by: Rena
You might also think about getting in touch with AARP (American Association of Retired Persons). They have a website and a print magazine, and I think they also have some other products and services for older people.
My mom gets their magazine, and it covers lots of topics relevant to aging, wellness, etc. – and I would think that Alzheimer’s would certainly be a topic of interest to them.
You may want to contact AARP through their website and see if you can find someone there who can give you some guidance on submitting an article for their magazine or in some way connecting with their audience.
And as always, if the first person you talk to can’t help you, ask them if they can put you in touch with someone else who might have ideas for you; or if they know of another organization or business that might be a good fit for you.
Also, have you connected with any mental health-related organizations, publications, specialists, etc.? Alzheimer’s is very likely a topic of interest for them.
Thank you Sarah
by: Patricia C Vener
Thank you Sarah. I think your idea is so very excellent. Alzheimer’s needs more recognition (as do those of us who are caring for the sufferers). Did you know that November is National Caregiver Month? There may be a way to tie in to that. I am still struggling with my own marketing but maybe that will help.
Also Kimberly’s idea of press release writing is terrific. Check out “Publicity Hound.” Her free newsletter (which, honestly I no longer subscribe to because I just don’t have time) has a section where subscribers offer ideas to one person.
What About AARP
by: Sarah Barnes
Thank you Rena for all of your wonderful suggestions. I will be sure to contact some of these places first thing next week.
I have been working on contacting many places since writing the article but I have had little success. Either no one will answer my emails or phone calls or they are just not interested.
I will continue to move forward. This is a very important project and cause to me so I will Never give up on it. I will keep trying until I find the right organization who will want to help and maybe partner with me.
I will kepp you updated.
Thanks again,
Sarah Barnes
Thank You Sarah
by: Sarah Barnes
I beleive anyone involved in the support and care for all individuals of this devastating disease should also be recignized .They are sufferers too.
I did know that November was Alzheimer’s Awareness month . It seems that this is one of the few times this disease gets some recognition. I hope to rectify that.
Thank you so much for the newsletter lead, Publicity Hound. I will take a look at that and see if there is a way I can promote this project through this publucation .
I think Kimberly’s idea of a press release was a great idea. Actually, after she suggested it, I wrote one up and am keeping it for the right time to distribute it. I am trying to get an organization to sponsor this project with me and if I do , I will use the press release to announce it.
I belive someone (Kimberly) also suggested that I get this project announced on a message board. So, I took her advice and did . I have it posted on the www.alz.org message board under Success Stories. I submitted the post under the same name as the article title that I wrote for this newsletter. Unfortunatly, I am not getting much response
Thank you so much for everything. I will let you know how I make out. If you come up with anything else I would appreciate it is you could send it my way.
My Best,
Sarah Barnes
Remembering my mom
by: Helene Johnson
Dear Sarah,
I know what you are going through. My mom died on 11/22/09 from this disease. I took care of her from 2002 until the day she died. I refused to put her in a home. She died with a big smile on her face. I would love a catalog of your jewelry, so I can wear something to remember her and to make people aware of this terrible disease. My address is 286 Autumn Trail, Port Orange, Fl 32129. Thank you for doing this. Take care and my God Bless you. Sincerely, Helene Johnson
A Violet For Remembrance
by: Sarah
Hi Helene,
Thank you so much for your kind words. I too am very sorry to hear of the loss of your Mom… It is a very difficult situation for all involved. My heart goes out to anyone dealing with this horrific disease.
As far as a catalogue is concerned I do not have one. My online website www.sarahdipiti.com is my only catalogue. If you wish to purchase something from the Violets for Spring Alzheimer’s Memory Jewelry line you may place an order on my website. Once I receive your order I will hand-make one just for you and get it out to you.
For every piece sold I donate $5.00 to Alzheimer’s Research. I must say I have sold these pieces all around the country since my Mom passed away in 2009.
If you should have questions you may email me at sarah@sarahdipiti.com and I will get right back to you.
Thank you for writing Helene. I really enjoyed hearing from you.
All My Best,
Sarah Barnes
Ways to Help
by: Patricia C Vener
I never thought of checking out alz.org but maybe I will. I have initiated the donation of 5% of my profit for every finished jewelry piece I sell. I might add donations from my painting sales once I figure out how much profit (if any) those might realize.
A Violet for Remembrance
by: Sarah
Hi Patricia,
I think that is a great idea 🙂 If I can be of help please let me know.Best of luck.
All My Best,