A Feather or a Waterfall? Gerdan!

by Alex Exile.

Gerdan - Flowers and Water - Winter by Alex Exile  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Many years ago I was at my friend’s house, and I was absolutely impressed by the beading work she was creating.

It was a necklace, but not the one you can buy in the shop. There were two stripes with ethnic pattern connected in the center in one wide stripe.

‘What is it?’ I asked.

‘It’s a gerdan,’ my friend said. ‘It’s a necklace from ancient times.’

Gerdan Earrings - Flowers and Water - Winter by Alex Exile  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Years passed and now I’m making jewelry by myself. One day I remembered that amazing item and was struck by the idea to make something like it… but in a different way. I wanted to make something more decorative, delicate, light and luxurious.

Gerdan "Enchanted Lake" - by Alex Exile  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Gerdan ‘Enchanted Lake’

I added a lot of threads of faceted beads and fringe to make the necklaces look like a feather or waterfall. As for the pattern, I was inspired by the ornaments of my country.

Of course such a necklace needs earring in the same style. Some more hours of work… and two little feathers are flying away from my hands.

Gerdan Earrings "Enchanted Lake" - by Alex Exile  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Earrings ‘Enchanted Lake’

Alex Exile

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