A Bumble Bee That You Can Wear

by Diane Schamp.
(Great Lakes Region)

This unique stone caught my eye at the Tucson Gem and Mineral.

Bumble Bee Jasper Pendant by Diane Schamp  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

It is called bumblebee jasper with organized clear bands of sharp and vibrant yellow, orange, gray, and black colors. A sterling silver handmade setting and a black CZ stone was crafted to frame this lovely and unique stone.

Bumble Bee Jasper Pendant by Diane Schamp  - featured on Jewelry Making Journal

Bumble bee Jasper is silicon dioxide mineral containing sulfur, hematite, ilmenite and other mineral inclusions. A stone that is mined from the island of Sumatra in Indonesia coming from Volcanic vents on the island.

Although it is identified as Jasper, it is surmised that it is not actually Agate or Jasper, but a mix of minerals in a matrix of volcanic tuft.

A visit back to the show the following year to find more these eye-catchers was disappointing, the supply of these stones are low and getting more difficult to find.

Well, that is expected, eventually the mines in Indonesia will run dry.

Diane Schamp

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