8 Clever Ways to Use Your Camera for Your Jewelry Business

by Rena Klingenberg. © 2003-Present Rena Klingenberg. All Rights Reserved

8 Clever Ways to Use Your Camera for Your Jewelry Business, by Rena Klingenberg, Jewelry Making Journal

The camera in your phone can be a handy tool for your jewelry business.

(Aside from using it to take pictures of your jewelry!)

Here are 8 ways I’ve used mine:

1. Keep People’s Business Card Info

Whenever you receive someone’s business card that you plan to keep, snap a photo of it.

That way you’ll always have their info with you, on your phone, while leaving the business cards you’ve collected at home.

2. Keep a Photo of Your Booth Layout

It’s incredibly handy to have photos of your jewelry displays and booth, completely set up. For example:

  • When you set up a practice run of your jewelry displays at home, take photos showing the way you’ve set up your entire booth. Now when you’re setting up for real at the show you can refer to the photos on your phone to see exactly where you had everything.
  • Also take photos of your booth at every jewelry event you do. This comes in handy when show promoters ask for a recent booth photo along with your application. And the photos are good content for your jewelry blog or social media, enhancing your “street cred” with your customers.
  • Have someone use your camera phone to take photos of you in action in your booth at each event you do.

3. Photograph Artistic Inspirations

Use your camera to make a “design journal” on your phone – making a quick record of visual inspirations you see when you’re out and about, such as:

  • An inspiring way you see jewelry displayed in a store.
  • New fashions such as clothes, shoes, purses, etc. that you’d like to design jewelry for.
  • Any scene or color scheme that gives you a creative idea.

4. Photograph Documents

Use your camera instead of photocopier, to take pics of papers and documents such as:

  • Application forms you’ve filled out for art shows.
  • Your business license or reseller’s license.
  • Your notification of acceptance into an art show – and any other paperwork related to the show.

5. Use it as a Notepad

Save paper by taking a photo of information, instead of jotting things down or printing them out from your computer. For example:

  • Photograph your checklist of things to bring to jewelry shows / home parties.
  • Instead of writing down the info for a book or product you’re interested in, take a picture of the book’s cover or the product’s packaging.
  • Snap a photo of the front of a shop or gallery you’d like to contact about carrying your jewelry (be sure you get the store name in the photo).
  • Take a pic of phone numbers, website URL’s or email addresses you see that you’d like to remember for later.

6. Get Quick Shots of Your Charity / Community Events

It’s good idea to have photos of any charity or community activities your jewelry business participates in.

These photos are valuable for use in your press releases, marketing materials, your “press page”, your jewelry website / blog, etc.

7. Take Photos of Your Jewelry Workshops and Jewelry Parties

These shots are a great record for yourself, as well as for content you can use in your marketing materials, website, and blog.

Consider getting photos of:

  • You teaching the jewelry workshop.
  • Your students working on their projects.
  • Your students’ finished projects.
  • At the end of beading birthday parties, take a photo of all the girls’ arms with their newly braceleted wrists together in a circle. This is a lovely shot to email to the birthday girl’s parents!

8. Take Reference Photos

If you need to be able to see a specific grouping of jewelry or supplies later, take a quick shot of them with your camera. For example:

  • A collection of jewelry supplies you’d like to match when you go to a bead or gem show.
  • A batch of jewelry you’re consigning to a shop or gallery.
  • Photos of your happy customers wearing your creations (photographed with their permission, of course – and get their written permission if you plan to use the photos anywhere).

How Do You Use Your Camera for Your Jewelry Business?

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